During the past years, we have visited forests in Croatia countless times, where we almost daily received reports of large-scale clear-cutting. We conducted on-site inspections of the forest conditions at the locations pointed out by our activists and warned about the immeasurable damage that would be inflicted on the entire forest fund and overall biodiversity if such harmful management practices continue.

We paid special attention to the inappropriate implementation of excessive clear-cutting in state-owned forests, which make up about 75% of all forests in Croatia and are managed by the state company Hrvatske šume d.o.o.

Particularly alarming was the realization that the state company carries out excessive logging in all forests under its management, including those under special protection as part of the European Natura 2000 ecological network.

In 2024, our anonymous activists and supporters provided us with a significant number of new photos and videos that clearly demonstrate that excessive logging continues at the same intensity in protected forests, including special reserves and nature parks under strict Natura 2000 protection.

Due to the growing international concern about the poor state and alarming management practices of forests in the Republic of Croatia, which we have been consistently highlighting, and thanks to the extensive collection of new photo and video materials, we conducted this latest investigation in collaboration with the UK-US association Biofuelwatch.

A brief report on our findings can be seen below.

The investigation and documentation of new clear-cutting in forests under Natura 2000 protection were entirely funded by Biofuelwatch.

Report on new clear cuttings